I am a senior lecturer in Computer Science at Nottingham Trent University. I hold a PhD in Computer Science and a MSc in Software Engineering, both from the University of York (UK), and aMEng in Computer Science with the University of Lisbon (Portugal). Previously, I held academic positions at Birmingham City University, University of York, Autonomous University of Madrid, University of Luxembourg and City University of London.

I have also worked in industry for a few years, namely: at Praxis High Integrity Systems Ltd (Bath, UK), in the new air traffic controller for the London Airspace, in Lisbon, in a telecommunications project, and in Istanbul Turkey, in e-governance.

My main research specialisations are modelling, design and formal methods. I am interested in the fields of model-driven development, visual languages, formal methods, formal verification, formal semantics, requirements engineering, security by design and empirical software engineering.

I have produced the following relevant research outputs:

  • Fragmenta, a modular theory for class models to aid with modelling in the large. Fragmenta can be help in making neater and tidier class models, which may be of use in the design of Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs).
  • Visual Contract Language (VCL), a visual design modelling language whose novelty lies in its capability to express predicates visually.
  • Formal Template Language (FTL), a formal language of templates.

My list of publications is available from here.


Email: nuno.amalio at gmail.com